Module 6: Just Enough Administration in Windows Server > Unit: Create and connect to a JEA endpoint


Flashcards on Module 6: Just Enough Administration in Windows Server > Unit: Create and connect to a JEA endpoint, created by Rick Schoenman on 13/09/2022.
Rick Schoenman
Flashcards by Rick Schoenman, updated more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Created by Rick Schoenman over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What command is used to connect to a JEA endpoint? Enter-PSSession -ComputerName <ComputerName> -ConfigurationName <JEAEndpointName>
Can you create variables in a Remote JEA session? No
Why can you not create variable in a JEA session? Because the session is in No-Language mode
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