Module 1: Configure and manage Hyper-V > Unit: Configure Hyper-V Networking


Flashcards on Module 1: Configure and manage Hyper-V > Unit: Configure Hyper-V Networking, created by Rick Schoenman on 13/09/2022.
Rick Schoenman
Flashcards by Rick Schoenman, updated more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Created by Rick Schoenman over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Out of which 2 primary components, does Hyper-V networking consist? - Virtual Network Adapter - Virtual Switch
Which 2 types of Hyper-V network adapters exists? - Legacy Network Adapter - (synthetic) Network Adapter
Which network adapter is faster? A legacy network adapter or a (synthetic) network adapter? (synthetic) network adapter
For which VM generations is a legacy network adapter available? Only gen1 VM's
For which VM Generations is a (synthetic) network adapter available? Both gen1 and 2 VM's
Which Hyper-V network adapter is required to do a PXE boot in a Gen1 VM? Legacy Network Adapter
Which Hyper-V network adapter is required to do a PXE boot in a Gen2 VM? (synthetic) Network Adapter
Which 3 types of Virtual Switches are available in Hyper-V? - Internal - External - Private
Describe a Private Virtual Switch Allows communication only between the VMs on the Hyper-V host, but not with the host or any other network
Describe an Internal Virtual Switch Allows communication between the VMs and the Hyper-V host.
Describe an External Virtual Switch This switch binds to a specific NIC, therefore allowing access to the network it maps to.
Which 3 tools can be used to configure Hyper-V Virtual Switches? - Hyper-V Manager - PowerShell (New-VMSwitch) - Windows Admin Center
What is a Virtual Switch Extension? Add-ons that are developed by third parties which add extra networking functionalities. They can be used to perform packet redirecten, inspection, etc.
Which 3 classes of Virtual Switch Extensions do you know? - Capture - Filtering - Forwarding
Note: There is more info on the Virtual Switch Extensions in the text. For now I will skip this, because it seems very abstract. .
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