Muscles of Mastication


? Occlusion Flashcards on Muscles of Mastication, created by Krisha-Tyra B Ba on 02/03/2016.
Krisha-Tyra B Ba
Flashcards by Krisha-Tyra B Ba, updated more than 1 year ago
Krisha-Tyra B Ba
Created by Krisha-Tyra B Ba over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the action of the temporalis? Principle elevator of the mandible All fibers: elevate mandible Anterior: elevate mandible Middle: Elevate and slightly retrude Posterior: retrusion, positioning
What is the primary muscle for chewing? Masseter
What are the actions of the superficial and deep fibers of the masseter? Superficial: Protrusion Deep: Stabilizes condyle when biting on incisors
What muscles are highly active in opening/closing and excursive movements? Lateral pterygoid
What is the only muscle to insert into the TMJ capsule? Lateral pterygoid
What muscle is the most important indicator of occlusal harmony? Lateral pterygoid
What are the actions of the superior head of the lateral pterygoid? Superior: inactive during opening, active during closing; easily injured
What are the actions of the inferior head of the lateral pterygoid? Inferior: active in protusion, active side of the muscle is nonworking (Move to right: left lateral pterygoid is the one that is working/contracting/pulling)
True or False: The medial pterygoid is the primary depressor of the mandible. FALSE The medial pterygoid is the primary ELEVATOR of the mandible.
The medial pterygoid is highly active during which excursive movement? Protrusive
What are the four suprahyoid muscles and what are their actions? Geniohyoid Stylohyoid Mylohyoid Digastric Elevate hyoid and tongue
What are the 4 infrahyoid muscles? Sternohyoid Thyrohyoid Sterothyroid Omohyoid
True or False: The suprahyoid muscles are relaxed during unrestricted normal opening TRUE
What muscles aid in elevation during unrestricted normal closing? Medial pterygoid Anterior temporalis Masseter
What muscles aid in position during unrestricted normal opening? Middle and posterior fibers of temporalis
True or False: The deep masseter and posterior temporalis are active during mandibular retrusion. TRUE
What supra- and/or infrahyoid muscles are active retractors in retrusion? Genohyoid Digastric
What muscle will stabilize movement during retrusion? Superior lateral pterygoid
True or False: The masseter is the only muscle active during the intiation of foward movement in mandibular closure. FALSE Medial pterygoid + Masseter
The precise closure of the mandible is aids by what muscle(s)? Posterior fibers of the temporalis Superior lateral pterygoid
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