Hydro electric energy


Mapa Mental en Hydro electric energy, creado por Franco Chaparro en 04/09/2017.
Franco  Chaparro
Mind Map by Franco Chaparro , updated more than 1 year ago
Franco  Chaparro
Created by Franco Chaparro over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Hydro electric energy
  1. 1878 power scheme
    1. England
      1. Armstrong
        1. 26 Nov 1810 Newcastle
          1. Engineer: Civil,Mechanical,Electrical,Structural
            1. 27 Dec 1900 (90)
        2. power station 1882
          1. winsconsin
            1. 20 Th Century
              1. became large = Dams
                1. Large facilities
                  1. 2x produce ☢ station
            2. 3 types
              1. Small: up to 10 Mw
                1. small comunity - industrial plant
                2. Micro: up to100 Mw
                  1. insolate home or " comunity
                  2. Pico: under 5 Kw
                    1. Remote comunity
                  3. ♻♻
                    1. How does it work?
                      1. Turbine (kinetic ener of the water)
                        1. To mechanical energ
                          1. generator converts to electrical eneg
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