My Special People


Religious Education
Mind Map by cheerleader010, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cheerleader010 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

My Special People
  1. My Parents
    1. Help them when they need it
      1. Hang out with them
      2. Not being mean to them
        1. Being trust worthy
        2. My Friends
          1. Hang out with them
            1. Be nice to them and not rood
            2. Include all of them
              1. Being there for them
              2. Some of my teachers
                1. Do all my work in class
                  1. LIstern to them
                    1. Be a good student
                      1. Ask for help if I need it
                      2. My coaches
                        1. Listern to them
                          1. Try my hardest at everything we do
                            1. Not having an attitude
                              1. Get new skills
                              2. Grandparents
                                1. Do things with them
                                  1. Talk to them
                                    1. Help them when they need it
                                      1. Being there for them
                                      2. SIblings
                                        1. Do things for them
                                          1. Not being mean to them
                                            1. Being a good sister
                                              1. Help them when they need it
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