The Holocaust


holocaust mind map
Mind Map by joseph.tringali, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by joseph.tringali almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Holocaust
  1. Schindlers List
    1. camera angles
      1. colour
        1. black & white
      2. anne frank
        1. died at 15
          1. wrote a diary for 2 years while she was hiding
          2. film
            1. charicters
              1. Oaska Schindler
                1. saved a bunch of jews by hiering them as workers for his factory until the war was over
            2. Documentaries
              1. Auschwitz : The Nazi Final Solution
                1. the film displays Jewish people during WWII with horrorifc scenes that show how the Germans saw the Jewish and how they tried to get rid of them.
              2. death
                1. gas chambers
                  1. they were forced to walk into theses chambers where they were gased to death
                  2. concentration camps
                    1. some were killed when the guards would just shoot them
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