Poverty and Bob Cratchit


Mind Map on Poverty and Bob Cratchit, created by James Nicoll on 01/01/2018.
James Nicoll
Mind Map by James Nicoll, updated more than 1 year ago
James Nicoll
Created by James Nicoll over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Poverty and Bob Cratchit
  1. Bob Cratchit is Scrooges clerk with little incomeand is threated to lose his job.("Let me hear another word from you said Scrooge, and you'll keep your Christmas by losing your situation")
    1. Bob Crachit has a big family that are all very close ("all the Cratchits drew round the hearth")
      1. Bob Cratchit is very poor but is still very kind hearted("Oh, a wonderful pudding! Bob Cratchit said, and calmly too that he regarded it as the greatest success achieved by Mrs Cratchit")
        1. Bob Cratchit and his family would never be disgraceful("nobody said or thought it was at all a small pudding for a large family")
          1. Bob Cratchit and his family all enjoy christmas as they are thankful for what they have and all care for one another("A merry Christmas to us all, my dears. God bless us ")
          2. In the 1800-1900 there was a social divide between the poor and the rich and those who had everything and those who had nothing
            1. Thomas Robert Malthus sees the poor as a number/statistic but Dickens sees the poor as living beings with families and lives
              1. In the 1800-1900 children would shine shoes or become chimney sweepers to earn money form there family
                1. The poor would live out in the streets wearing nothing but rags while the rich were living in big luxurious houses wearing fancy suits and dresses.
                  1. The poor law was introduced to stop giving any money to the poor to help them so if they wanted money they had to go work in a workhouse/factory.
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