The use of ICT in schools in the digital age: what does the research say?


ED1441 Mind Map on The use of ICT in schools in the digital age: what does the research say?, created by Emma Watt on 02/06/2013.
Emma Watt
Mind Map by Emma Watt, updated more than 1 year ago
Emma Watt
Created by Emma Watt about 11 years ago

Resource summary

The use of ICT in schools in the digital age: what does the research say?
  1. teachers’ confidence about using ICT in the classroom is variable
    1. effective use of ICT in schools is planned, structured and integrated.
    2. ICT learning objects are used mostly in mathematics, English and science
      1. ICT improves student engagement, supports learning in a variety of ways, and is both a tool and process for new ways of thinking and learning.
      2. the use of computers is common at home and at school;.
        1. Student performance improves with time when using ICT, but low access to ICT and low confidence in using ICT corresponds to low performance
        2. students use ICT in limited ways. Information access and searching are common, but creating, analysing and transforming information are less common.
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