The lion (Panthera leo)


Eduardo Acevedo
Mind Map by Eduardo Acevedo, updated more than 1 year ago
Eduardo Acevedo
Created by Eduardo Acevedo about 6 years ago

Resource summary

The lion (Panthera leo)
  1. Habitat
    1. The location of their main habitat are Afica and Oceania. Temperate grasslands are largely devoid of trees, receive less rainfall than savannas and endure broader temperature extremes.
    2. Life Cycle
      1. 1-First the y are born blind and are borned without pride
        1. Afer 10 days they start walkking
          1. After 5 weeks are introduced into a pride.
            1. After 8 moths they babies are weaned.
              1. After 3 years they get saxually mature.
                1. After 6 years the lions are fully grown.
                2. Type of reproduction
                  1. It reproduces sexually, they can reproduce from the 2 years.
                    1. The gestation period lasts 15 weeks. When giving birth, the lioness retreats to a secluded den area, such as a marsh, cave or mountain hill. It is usually done from a standing position and the lioness uses her vaginal muscles to push the cub out of her womb.
                  2. Types of feeding
                    1. Lions are hypercarnivores and ususally hunt in groups
                      1. Their prey consists mainly of mammals, particularly ungulates, with a preference for wildebeest, zebras, buffalo, gemsbok, and giraffes in Africa and chital, sambar deer, nilgai, wild boar, chinkara and chousingha in India.
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