African-American history


Eine Übersicht der wichtigsten Fakten und Ereignisse
Stella Denker
Mind Map by Stella Denker, updated more than 1 year ago
Stella Denker
Created by Stella Denker about 6 years ago

Resource summary

African-American history
  1. 1619 - First African slaves brought to Jamestown, Virginia
    1. 1807 - President Jefferson signs legislations ends slave trade
      1. around 1850 - Heyday of Underground Railroad to help slaves escape to freedom, especially in response to Fugitive Slave Act 1850
        1. 1861-1865 - Civil War between Yankees and confederates, ending in victory for the free anti slavery northern states
          1. 1863 - President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation
            1. 1865-1877 - Reconstruction Period
              1. 1865 - 13th Amendment: abolition of slavery
                1. 1865-1960s - Phase of segregation and "Jim Crow laws" in southern states
                  1. 1868 - 14th Amendment: US citizenship for all former slaves
                    1. 1870 - 15th Amendment: right to vote for African Americans
                      1. 1875 - Civil Rights Act: Equal rights for African Americans in different aspects of public life
                        1. 1896 - Plessy vs. Ferguson: segregation consolidated through "seperate but equal" facilities
                          1. 1931-1935 - Case of Scottboro Boys culminatng in Norris vs. Alabama (1935): ruling against all white juries
                            1. 1948 - Desegregation of the Armed Forces
                              1. 1954 - "Seperate but equal" concept ruled unconstitutional
                                1. 1955 - Bus boycott in answer to Rosa Park's arrest
                                  1. 1957 - Enforced desegregation of Little Rock High School
                                    1. 1960s - Heyday of Civil Rights Movement with non-violent direct action in different southern cities
                                      1. 1960s onwards - Black Power Movement
                                        1. 1963 - March on Washington; Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream"-speech
                                          1. 1964 - Civil Rights Act; Martn Luther King Jr. awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
                                            1. 1965 - Selma to Montgomery march: Voting Rights Act
                                              1. Foundation of Black Panther Party
                                                1. 2008 - Barack Obama elected as America's first black President
                                                  1. "African Americans are largest minority (42 million/13%) in USA
                                                    1. Most live in the south or larger cities
      2. Transatlantic slave trade (Europe, Africa, America) -> slave triangle
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