Transplantations and Borderlands


Mind Map on Transplantations and Borderlands, created by ushistorywa on 15/09/2014.
Mind Map by ushistorywa, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ushistorywa over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Transplantations and Borderlands
  1. The Early Chesapeake
    1. 1607: Jamestown
      1. John Smith
        1. London Company: Virginia Company
          1. The Starving Time
            1. De La Warr
              1. Tobacco
                1. Headright System
                  1. House of Burgesses
                    1. Powhattan
                      1. Pocohontas
                        1. John Rolfe
                      2. Berkely -> Bacon's Rebellion


                        • A combination of backcountry unrest and political rivalry, primarily over policies toward the natives, was evident in a fude between Nathaniel Bacon, considered a member of the backcountry gentry, and acting governor of Virginia, Sir William Berkeley.  The catalyst to the attack by bands of local whites against the Indians followed an Indian raid on a western plantation where they killed a white servant.  Indians responded with more raids and fighting escalated.  Bacon and others were frustrated with Berkeley's lack of response and struck out on their own.  Further, they would turn on Jamestown itself and pose the largest insurrection against authorities to date in the colonies.  In many ways, Bacon's Rebellion is similar to the larger American Revolution that would occur 100 years later.  Other ways that it was significant included revealing the difficulty of establishing boundaries between Indian and white lands, showing the level of intolerance that had grown between the two.  Finally, the potential instability among the large population of free, landless white men would lead to landowners turning to the African slave trade to fulfill their need for labor. (Brinkley, 42)
                      3. Maryland
                        1. Proprietary
                          1. Calvert: Lord Baltimore
                            1. "Act Concerning Religion"
                      4. The Growth of New England
                        1. Scrooby Separatists
                          1. Holland
                            1. Pilgrims
                              1. Mayflower Compact
                                1. William Bradford
                          2. Non-Separatists
                            1. Puritan Merchants
                              1. Massachusetts Bay Company
                                1. John Winthrop
                                  1. "City on a Hill"
                              2. Congregational Church
                                1. Theocratic Society
                              3. Expansion -> Dissension
                                1. Roger Williams
                                  1. Rhode Island
                                  2. Anne Hutchinson
                                    1. New Hampshire & Maine
                                    2. Pequot War


                                      • As noted historian Alden T. Vaughan wrote in his book New England Frontier: Puritans and Indians 1620-1675: “The effect of the Pequot War was profound. Overnight the balance of power had shifted from the populous but unorganized natives to the English colonies. Henceforth [until King Philip’s War] there was no combination of Indian tribes that could seriously threaten the English. The destruction of the Pequots cleared away the only major obstacle to Puritan expansion. And the thoroughness of that destruction made a deep impression on the other tribes.”
                                      1. King Philip's War
                                    3. The Restoration Colonies
                                      1. Cavaliers & Roundheads
                                        1. Oliver Cromwell
                                        2. New Proprietary Colonies
                                          1. Carolinas
                                            1. Constitution
                                              1. Caribbean
                                                1. North & South
                                                2. New Netherland-> New York-> New Jersey
                                                  1. Quakers: Society of Friends
                                                    1. William Penn
                                                3. Borderlands and Middle Grounds
                                                  1. Caribbean Islands
                                                    1. Sugar & Slavery
                                                      1. Slave Revolts & Codes
                                                    2. Spanish Borderlands
                                                      1. Georgia
                                                        1. James Oglethorpe
                                                        2. Middle Grounds w/ Natives
                                                          1. Mutually Beneficial
                                                            1. <- Accomodation / Conflict ->
                                                        3. The Evolution of the British Empire
                                                          1. Mercantilism
                                                            1. Navigation Acts
                                                              1. Dominion of New England
                                                                1. Sir Edmund Andros
                                                                  1. The "Glorious Revolution"
                                                                    1. John Coode's Rebellion
                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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