Media theory


Mind Map on Media theory, created by gaminfreak on 22/10/2014.
Mind Map by gaminfreak, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gaminfreak over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Media theory
  1. Wikinomics
    1. Wikinomics theory believes that the internet is a 'Perfect storm' which is basically saying if you have a business and you do not use the internet and you have a business you will not have a chance in keeping your business running as you won't be making money.
      1. Blockbuster is an example of this because at first they did not have an internet presence but over time developed one, which at the time was too late and led to their downfall
      2. Wikinomics also says that because of the way that the internet works it can change the consumers of the online products into prosumers, which means that the consumers who turned into prosumers created products of their own and are now making profit out of it.
      3. We-Think
        1. This theory takes aspects of Long Tail and wikinomics but develops them further, beyond business and comsumption, to argue that the way we think and make sense of knowledge is shifting into an online age.
          1. Due to the new methods we have in comparison to the past (Internet and such) we can now collaborate and be more creative with our ideas and products, for example if a game is created and allows the players to create content for themselves, those pieces of content can be published officially into the official game, an example of this is the 'DOTA 2' game which allows players to create their own content for the game itself
        2. Longtail
          1. Within the past, companies and shops were more dedicated to obtaining hits and money out of popular products such as films, music etc, the reason that they are doing this is to obtain a profit because of the marketing and distribution cost that they need to do because of the popularity of it which is an excessive amount, shops (Such as HMV and whatnot) would put these products onto their shelves (Mainly the popular ones because they WANT to make a profit and these are the only ones they KNOW people will buy) whereas the internet stops this, there is next to no distribution cost with the internet and it can easily be spread around, this theory concentrates on a more niche audience because it allows niche products to earn an income because of the lack of cost it is to put the product out there.
          2. Web
            1. 2.0
              1. Web 2.0 refers to the second generation of the world wide web, web 2.0 is mainly based around user interaction towards a website such as profile creation or website editing/creating, some examples of websites like this are: Wikipedia, facebook & instagram, web 2.0 allows the users to collaborate which is an extremely prime example within Wikipedia which allows users to work together to create pages for certain things.
              2. 3.0
                1. People have defined that the web is becoming more intelligent in comparison to its counterpart 'Web 2.0', an example of how the web is becoming more intelligent is for instance on Spotify when you watch a certain band the application will then recommend bands which are very similar to the band that you would have originally been listening too, this can be linked to uses and gratification
              3. Push/Pull
                1. Push
                  1. The push side of the push/pull theory is when companies try to force advertisements onto their consumers through means such as popups and advertisements for videos (Such as youtube advertisements) the internet is mainly used when doing push advertisements onto consumers because there are some methods where the consumer HAS to watch/listen to the advertisement because of the programming.
                  2. Pull
                    1. Pull advertisement is when the consumers actually pull the advertisements towards them, for instance if they are interested in looking for new bands to listen to and they're using Spotify and look at the recommend bands section of the application, the consumer is seeking them out, which is what the pull theory is.
                  3. Top down/bottom up model
                    1. This is the theory where normally the top down the model shows companies such as sony and other such companies at the top of the 'Hierarch' triangle with the consumer and such at the bottom, but the bottom up model flips that up so that the consumers are actually at the top of this Hierarch because the companies will be funding consumers for products that the company may use themselves.
                    2. These theories apply to both the music industry and also the television industry
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