57y.o M; swollen uvula; dyspnea; dysphagia


Mind Map on 57y.o M; swollen uvula; dyspnea; dysphagia, created by gurley10 on 19/08/2013.
Mind Map by gurley10, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gurley10 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

57y.o M; swollen uvula; dyspnea; dysphagia
  1. Admit to ED
    1. Adverse reaction to lisinopril 20mg QD
      1. Treat/Monitor Side Effects: ortho HTN, dizziness, lightheaded, tiredness, headache, dry cough
        1. Medication discontinued.Call Dr.if fainting, slow/irregular heart rate, fever, chills, sx of increased potassium, change in amount of urine, sore throat
          1. Asses, monitor VS with pulse ox Q4 hours; rest, fluids, Antipyretic; check, wbc w/diff, cbc w/diff, electrolytes especially potassium, monitor urine output
            1. Abnormal labs require additional tests and assessment.
          2. Encourage fluids, rest, remind to stand slowly, pain reliever, cough suppressant, cont monitor VS Q shift
            1. If relieved: lower dose or consider changing medication
              1. If unrelieved:stop medication and change medication
        2. Slightly abnormal VS:90,140/90, 24, 37C, 96%RA (diff breathing)
          1. HEENT: mild upper lip swelling, moderate uvula swelling (patent airway)
            1. Provide antihistamine and monitor VS with pox Q4 hours
              1. If resolved, cont to monitor & discontinue lisinopril
                1. If not resolved, cont to provide antihistamine and fluids and monitor VS Q4 hours. Assessment is necessary within 24 hours.
            2. Possible inflammatory response
            3. Other Medical History
              1. Diet controlled Diabetes type II
                1. Hypertension
                2. Obesity
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