Missouri Compromise


Mind Map on Missouri Compromise, created by davidpham60 on 05/01/2015.
Mind Map by davidpham60, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by davidpham60 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Missouri Compromise
  1. 1820 an effort by the congress to determine whether Missouri will be admitted to the Union as a slave or free state
    1. In 1819 Missouri wanted to join the union as a slave state but that would unbalance the union
      1. There would be more slave states than free states in the union
        1. As a attempt to decrease the sectional and political tension that Missouri sparked the congress came up with a compromise
          1. The compromise was to make Maine a free state and Missouri a slave state
            1. An amendment was also passed that drew an imaginary line across the southern Missouri border and all states North of that must be free states
    2. Admitted Missouri as slave state and Maine as free state to balance the union then drew a line between slave and free states
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