Age: Elderly


Distribution of Poverty amongst different Social Groups
Mind Map by Kirbi, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Kirbi over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Age: Elderly
  1. Pensioners are now less at risk of poverty than working age couples
    1. Living for longer because of better health care
      1. Private pensions
      2. 16% are in poverty
        1. 1.2 million pensioners are on the brink of poverty
          1. Women
            1. Payment gap makes their pension smaller
              1. Live longer so savings run out
                1. Do not qualify for high state pension because they do not have enough national insurance contribution
                2. Have lower income levels because...
                  1. Rely on state pensions
                    1. Ageism: hard to find employment
                      1. Inability to adapt to technology
                        1. Less qualifications
                        2. 60% of University specify "recruit must be a graduate"
                        3. Scharf (2002)
                          1. Elderly in urban areas often experience high crime & poor living environments
                            1. Social exclusion
                              1. Fewer jobs
                                1. Access to transport links
                                  1. Corner shop (low quality)
                                    1. Poor health
                                    2. Limited access to technology
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