Liberal and Conservative Ideas in the 1800s


high school World History II Mind Map on Liberal and Conservative Ideas in the 1800s, created by Sophia A on 25/01/2015.
Sophia A
Mind Map by Sophia A, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophia A
Created by Sophia A over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Liberal and Conservative Ideas in the 1800s
  1. Liberals
    1. Who they were
      1. Lawyers
        1. Business owners
          1. Writers
            1. Other middle class members
            2. Who should rule
              1. Male property owners
              2. Goals of Government
                1. Protect natural rights
                2. What kind of governement
                  1. Republic with constitution
                    1. Separation of powers
                    2. Business
                      1. Laissez faire
                    3. Conservatives
                      1. Who they were
                        1. Kings
                          1. noble landowners
                            1. church leaders
                            2. Who should rule
                              1. Kings and nobles
                              2. Goals of Government
                                1. Keep peace and order
                                2. What kind of government
                                  1. Monarchy
                                  2. Business
                                    1. Government regulated business
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