Cynthia Ozick emphasizes features of the setting in The Shawl through character, action and atmosphere to create emotion in this horrific and tragic story of a Nazi concentration camp.


Mind Map by jenlachapelle, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jenlachapelle over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Cynthia Ozick emphasizes features of the setting in The Shawl through character, action and atmosphere to create emotion in this horrific and tragic story of a Nazi concentration camp.
  1. Topic Sentence 2: The use of setting and action through specific objects both inspire and bring sorrow to the reader and Rosa
    1. The Shawl that Rosa wraps her baby Magda in protects and shields from the horrors of death and starvation in the camp.
      1. Pg. 247 Para. 4 "It was a magic shawl, it could nourish an infant for three days and three nights."
        1. Pg. 248 Para. 10 "Then Stella took the shawl away and made Magda die. Para. 14: "Magda was grieving for the loss of her shawl, she saw Magda was going to die."
        2. Pg. 247 Para. 2: "She looked into Magda's face though a gap in the shawl: a squirrel in a nest, safe, no one could reach her inside the little house.."
        3. The electric fence marks the boundary between hell (death & despair in the camp) and heaven (freedom & flowery meadows), while also serving as a vehicle to a better place.
          1. Pg. 248 Para 15: "On the other side of the fence,.., green meadows speckled with dandelions,.., innocent tiger lilies.. In the barracks.. excrement, thick turd-braids..""
            1. Pg. 249 Para. 16: "She looked like a butterfly touching a silver vine." "If she let the wolf's screech ascending now through the ladder of her skeleton break out, they would shoot;"
        4. Topic Sentence 3: The use of setting and atmosphere through descriptive words and phrases engender love and despair.
          1. Despite Rosa's emaciated body, she nurse's Magda from her flaccid and dry teats
            1. Pg. 247 Para. 3: "..she gave up screaming, and sucked now only for the taste of the drying nipple."
            2. Rosa gives Magda almost all her food and yet still she is fat with air, full and round, on spindles of legs.
              1. Pg. 247 Para. 5: "they were in a place without pity, all pity was annihilated in Rosa,."
            3. Topic Sentence 1: The use of setting and character in the Nazi concentration camp influence the actions and emotions of Rosa.
              1. Rosa hides her baby from the guards as she knows it will be killed.
                1. Pg. 247 Para. 6 "Rosa knew Magda was going to die very soon; she should have been dead already.."
                2. Rosa is in an trance-like state, unaware and immune to her own needs, tending only to the needs of her baby.
                  1. Pg. 247 Para. 2 "Rosa did not feel hunger; she felt light.."
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