Mass Movment


randes sikk
Mind Map by randes sikk, updated more than 1 year ago
randes sikk
Created by randes sikk over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Mass Movment
  1. Factors affecting surface processes of Mass movement.
    1. Slope or gradient: of the landscape is a major factor determining the speed of mass movement.
      1. Water content: also controls the speed of mass movement in heavy rainfall occurs water acts as a lubricant.
        1. Natural disasters : volcanic activity often results in mass mud flows and lahars
          1. Vegitation: the roots of trees and other vegitation help bind the soil togther making preventing mass movement
        2. Slope material: the composition of slopes will determine the liklihood and speed of mass movement
      2. Types of mass movements
        1. soil creep = slow
          1. Earth flow = modrate
            1. Slumping = modrate
              1. Rockfall = fast
                1. landslide = fast
                  1. mudflow/lather = fast
                    1. bogflow/bogburst = fast
                      1. avalanch = fast
                        1. naturally and humen inerface
            2. natrally ocurring
          2. wetting and deying
            1. Soil absorbs water expading it presure = to soil particals to rise upward
              1. soil drys = particals shrink downward creating space move down a slope due to gravity
                1. creates bent trees
            2. Rock slide
              1. large secti0ons of rock fracture
                1. occurs along the bedding plane of sedimentary rock
                  1. when this occurs the rock dips downwards causing the loose regolith to slide off
                    1. Sedimentary rocks are types of rock that are formed by the accumulation or deposition of small particles and subsequent cementation of mineral or organic particles on the floor of oceans or other bodies of water at the Earth's surface.
                2. slumping
                  1. mostly on steep slopes occurs when a large block of regolith breaks free from a slope
                    1. usually caused when the base of the slope is removed by weathering or human activity
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