High Level Structure HLS


Help to memorize the clause number, and title by associating it with an image
JULIO Rodriguez
Mind Map by JULIO Rodriguez, updated more than 1 year ago
JULIO Rodriguez
Created by JULIO Rodriguez over 4 years ago

Resource summary

High Level Structure HLS
  1. 1.0 Scope
    1. ISO 9000 ISO 9001 ISO14000 ISO14001 ISO45000 etc...
      1. 2.0 Normative References
        1. 3.0 Terms & Definitions
          1. 4.0 Context of the Organization
            1. 5.0 Leadership
              1. (c) Julio Rodriguez jrodriguez@rdz-r.com https://gdttraining.wordpress.com/
              2. 6.0 Planning
                1. 7.0 Support
                  1. 8.0 Operation
                    1. 9.0 Evaluation
                      1. 10.0 Improvement
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