Managing Employee Relations Essay, Employee Voice


Mind Map on Managing Employee Relations Essay, Employee Voice, created by greeno13 on 17/09/2013.
Mind Map by greeno13, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by greeno13 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Managing Employee Relations Essay, Employee Voice
  1. Idnenify what Employee voice is
    1. Where does it Come From?
      1. Employee voice is usually trade union voice, will modern forms of voice then be accepted
        1. If not? Will trade unions accept it, aid it?
        2. Is this about employee engagement or is it a managerial tool?
          1. Is this a unitary, plural or hybrid perspective?
          2. Who will help it, what are the barriers
        3. Who are the main actors? management, the state, trade unions
          1. What's in it for employees?
            1. What's in it for the State?
              1. What's in it for unions?
                1. What's in it for mangement?
          2. Enter text here
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