Unit 2 Mind Map


Unit 2 Mind Map, includes Diabetes, what it is and how to deal with it. Also shows food analysis that includes glucose, proteins, and lipids.
Mind Map by aspenwallchris, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by aspenwallchris about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. High blood sugar in body
    1. Glucose = Sugar
      1. Glucose gives body energy
        1. Pancreas produces insulin
          1. Insulin allows cells in body to absorb glucose
            1. Body has energy
              1. No insulin
                1. Glucose is not absorbed
                  1. High blood sugar levels
                    1. Hyperglycemia
                      1. Weight loss
                        1. Go to bathroom often
                          1. Blurred vision
                            1. Above 215 mg/Dl
                              1. Headache
                                1. Fatigue
                  2. Type 1
                    1. Most common in children
                      1. Insulin deficiency
                        1. Pancreas is not producing insulin
                          1. Results in high blood sugar levels
                            1. What you need to do.
                              1. Inject insulin into body
                                1. Too much insulin
                                  1. Hypoglycemia
                                    1. Seizures
                                      1. Confusion
                                        1. Dizziness
                                    2. Diet
                                      1. Exercise
                              2. Food
                                1. Nutrients
                                  1. Carbohydrates
                                    1. Made up of saccharides
                                      1. Organic compounds made up of sugar molecules
                                        1. Sugar = Saccharide
                                          1. one sugar is a monosaccharide
                                            1. two sugar molecules are disaccharide
                                              1. more than two sugar molecules are polysaccharides
                                                1. Glycogen is a chain of glucose monomers
                                                  1. Monomer is a single molecule
                                                    1. Cellulose is a chain of glucose monomers
                                                      1. Starch functions as a carbohydrate store
                                      2. Lipids
                                        1. Made up of fatty acids
                                          1. Basically fats and oils
                                            1. A fat has a three-carbon backbone called glycerol
                                              1. Two types of fats
                                                1. Saturated
                                                  1. all three fatty acid chains contain the maximum number of hydrogen atoms.
                                                  2. Unsaturated
                                                    1. Contains less than the maximum number of hydrogen atoms
                                                      1. The atoms are double bonded
                                          2. Proteins
                                            1. Made up of amino acids
                                              1. Consists of a carbon bonded to an amino group
                                                1. When two amino acids bond it is called a polypeptide
                                                  1. In a line of protein monomers
                                                    1. Some are hydrophobic and some are hydrophollic
                                                      1. Hydrophobic is not attracted to water
                                                        1. Hydrophilic is attracted to water
                                                          1. When heated up they expand and break
                                                            1. This is called denaturation
                                                            2. Hydrophilic sticks to hydrophilic
                                                            3. Hydrophobic sticks to hydrophobic
                                            2. Type 2
                                              1. Adult onset diabetes
                                                1. Pancreas produces insulin
                                                  1. Cell rejects it
                                                    1. Results in High Glucose levels
                                                      1. What you need to do.
                                                        1. Take drugs and doses of insulin
                                                          1. Exercise
                                                            1. Diet
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