
The blanket-Poetic Justice
Silvia Ocaña
Mind Map by Silvia Ocaña, updated more than 1 year ago
Silvia Ocaña
Created by Silvia Ocaña almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Petey is sad and unhappy
    1. Because his father is sending grandfather to a nursing home
      1. Because his father is going to marry a young woman that thinks that grandfather will be nuisance
        1. The relation between both is very special because he love him so much
          1. Pete cut the blanket in two with a pair of scissors.
            1. Pete said: "I'll give you the other half of the blanket Dad, when you are old and I am sending you away"
          2. Father bought Granddad a blanket for the nursing home
            1. He wanted him to have the best blanket
            2. Young Woman thinks the blanket is too expensive
              1. She reproched Dad for spending so much money on the blanket
              2. Granddad is going to a nursing home
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