The advantages and disadvantages of call


jesica sarabia ac 1.1
Jessica Sarabia
Mind Map by Jessica Sarabia, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica Sarabia
Created by Jessica Sarabia almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The advantages and disadvantages of call
  1. the teachers are more involved in research.
    1. Interest and motivation. (Classical language teaching in classroom can be monotonous, boring, and even frustrating)
      1. CALL is a program derived from CAL (Computer-Assisted Learning) which is implemented to language
        1. Individualization CALL allows learners to have non-sequential learning habit.
          1. A compatible learning style because Students have different style
            1. Optimal use of learning time: The time flexibility of using computer enables students to choose appropriate timing for learning.
              1. Immediate feedback Students receive maximum benefit from feedback only if it is given immediately.
                1. Guided and repetitive practice Students have freedom of expression within certain bounds that programmers create, such as grammar, vocabulary, etc.
                  1. Lack of trained teachers: It is necessary for teachers and students to have basic technology knowledge before applying computer technology in second language teaching and learning
                    1. Imperfect current CALL programs: At present, the software of CALL mainly deals with reading, listening, and writing skills.
                      1. Inability to handle unexpected situations The learning situation that a second-language learner faces are various and ever changing.
                        1. allowing students to access the same material over and over again and offering immediate and non judgmental feed-back every time is ideal for mastering a language
                          1. • providing whenever necessary access to the same learning material is essential to acquiring a language
                            1. CALL in classroom as part of lesson development depends on the teachers alone, on the way they use Internet resources
                              1. division in small sections and well delimited of content leads shortening the matter, favouring those students with analytic thinking, but not those with synthetic thinking;
                                1. • it offers the possibility of realising a string of didactic operations which are very important for evaluation, and also for developing students creativity
                                  1. excessive individualization of learning can lead to denial of the teacher – student dialogue and leads to the isolation of the learning process from its psycho – social context.
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