Soft Engingeering


Geography (Water on the Land) Mind Map on Soft Engingeering, created by farrellcbj on 17/10/2013.
Mind Map by farrellcbj, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by farrellcbj over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Soft Engingeering
  1. Warning Systems
    1. People at risk can be quickly moved to safety.
      1. Much cheaper than flood defences.
        1. Damage to property can still result.
        2. Wetlands
          1. Can take up land that can be used for buildings.
            1. Can slow the movement of water into rivers.
              1. Can be a necessity as they are often nature reserves.
              2. Planting Trees (Afforestation)
                1. It can take many years for the trees to mature.
                  1. Can take up land which could be used for buildings.
                    1. Trees absorb rainwater and slow down its movement into rivers, so river flows are less extreme.
                      1. Tree leaves also redirect rainwater so not as much water falls into the river.
                      2. Management of Stock Numbers


                        • If there are too many animals on farmland they can compact the soil so less rain soaks into the soil
                        1. More rain soaks into the soil and less rain runs directly into rivers.
                          1. Reduced incomes for farmers in short term.
                          2. Careful Planning of Land Use
                            1. Suitable, flat building land may not be available.
                              1. Restrictions on building on floodplains, so fewer impermeable surfaces.
                              2. Sustainable Water Drainage Systems


                                • This is also known as SUDS. It can be for example the use of permeable surfaces for pavements, trenches for water storage and vegetated areas which all soak up rainwater.
                                1. The movement of water into rivers is slowed, so less likely to flood.
                                  1. Can be expensive in short term.
                                    1. Can use up land with could have otherwise been used for buildings.
                                    2. River Restortation
                                      1. Reduces the risk of flooding downstream of the restoration.
                                        1. Some land is no longer same from flooding.
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