
social justice ideas mm
Mind Map by annelieserainey, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by annelieserainey almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. conceptions change over time & differ between cultures, e.g feminism, migration
    1. continually contested throughout time
      1. beliefs about the rights/freedom/opportunities that individuals should have
        1. everyone should be equal
          1. women over time challenged the lack of fairness, e.g vote, equal pay, property rights
            1. however, some cultures regard sex inequality as natural
          2. individuals are naturally unequal in their abilities
            1. the very poor are vulnerable to social harm, e.g hurricane Katrina
          3. in pursuit of a "good society"
            1. reflects changing responses to "problem population"
              1. problem populations, e.g hurricane Katrina, banileue, "problem estates", projects outside Paris & Lyon
            2. different notions of justice = NORMATIVE ideas
              1. a sense that society is unjust leads individuals/groups to MOBILISE & join protests/riots/revolutions = Active
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