When can firearms be used


Mind Map on When can firearms be used, created by PhilandTracy Sayers on 11/06/2015.
PhilandTracy Sayers
Mind Map by PhilandTracy Sayers, updated more than 1 year ago
PhilandTracy Sayers
Created by PhilandTracy Sayers almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

When can firearms be used
  1. Defending self/another s48
    1. Fear death/GBH to self/another; AND
      1. Cannot protect self/another in less violent manner
      2. Arresting an offender s39
        1. RGB poses a threat death/GBH in resisting arrest; AND
          1. Arrest cannot be effected in less violent manner; AND
            1. Any delay would endanger any person
            2. Preventing escape s40
              1. RGB offender poses threat DEATH/GHB to any person; AND
                1. The offender flees to avoid arrest/escapes after arrest; AND
                  1. The flight/escape cannot be reasonably prevented in a less violent manner
                  2. Destroying animals
                    1. As per Animals on road in manual
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