Roles and responsibilities of a teacher


Mind Map on Roles and responsibilities of a teacher, created by Liezel Cilliers on 21/08/2015.
Liezel Cilliers
Mind Map by Liezel Cilliers, updated more than 1 year ago
Liezel Cilliers
Created by Liezel Cilliers almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Roles and responsibilities of a teacher
  1. Representative of society
    1. Uphold values of society
      1. Uphold morals of society
        1. Teacher may be a parent as well
        2. Judge
          1. Assess marks
            1. Evaluate progress
            2. Resource provider
              1. Website
                1. Instructional material
                  1. Readings
                    1. Lesson plans
                      1. Assessment tools
                        1. Manager of classroom
                          1. School leader
                            1. Committee members
                              1. Grade head
                            2. Referee
                              1. Settle disputes
                                1. Detective
                                2. Motivator
                                  1. Increase learners confidence
                                    1. Confidante
                                      1. Helper
                                        1. Counsellor
                                        2. Mentor
                                          1. Novice teachers
                                            1. Politics
                                              1. Procedures and practices
                                                1. Curriculum
                                                2. Children
                                                  1. Surrogate parent
                                                    1. Object of affection
                                                    2. Life long learner
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