

resooooooorrrrr ce
Ben Foskerr
Mind Map by Ben Foskerr, updated more than 1 year ago
Ben Foskerr
Created by Ben Foskerr over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Materials
    1. Wood
      1. Metals
        1. Polymers
          1. What materials are available?
            1. How much of a specific material can I use?
            2. Saftey
              1. Is it safe for children?
                1. Is it a choke hazard?
                  1. Is it sharp?
                  2. Will it overheat if left on for a while?
                  3. Function
                    1. Can it light up an entire room?
                      1. Is it possible to spread the light so it illuminates a wider area?
                      2. Cost
                        1. How much will cost it cost to acquire all the materials?
                        2. Aesthetics
                          1. What colour will it be?
                            1. What shapes are available to me?
                              1. How big/small should I make it?
                                1. What colour/shape should the light source be?
                                2. Client/Target Market
                                  1. Will this product be suitable for my client?
                                    1. Will it fit the client's needs?
                                    2. Production Methods
                                      1. What tools am I going to need to use?
                                        1. What machines am I going to need to use?
                                          1. How long will it take to finish production?
                                          2. Ergonomics
                                            1. Its gotta be comfortable on the hand
                                              1. How do I make it comfortable?
                                              2. NO SPIKES
                                                1. No sharp edges
                                                2. Environment
                                                  1. Are the meaterials im using environmentally friendly?
                                                    1. Can it be recycled?
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