Daily life Hydrocarbon Derivatives


Mind Map on Daily life Hydrocarbon Derivatives, created by Anna C. on 17/09/2015.
Anna C.
Mind Map by Anna C., updated more than 1 year ago
Anna C.
Created by Anna C. over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Daily life Hydrocarbon Derivatives
  1. Household Products
    1. Corrosive cleaners
      1. Most likely, the more effective a product is at eating away the dirt, the more effective it will be at eating away the skin on your hands.
      2. Perfumes
        1. Used to give the human body a pleasant scent.
        2. Polymers and Plastics
          1. Bottles, shower heads, dishes, eye glasses, cameras,
          2. Soaps
            1. Removing dirt from hands or body
            2. Hair Products
              1. build-up, resulting in dull hair or a change in perceived texture
              2. Skin Products
                1. Keep the skin moisturized
                2. Synthetic detergents
                  1. -Washing clothes -Fuel additives to prevent fouling
                3. Medicine and Drugs
                  1. Antibiotics (Penicillin)
                    1. used to treat infections caused by bacteria
                    2. Depressives (Alcohol)
                      1. alcohol has many uses, such as fuel and everyday cleaning.
                      2. Narcotics(Opium and codeine)
                        1. Codeine is a opioid pain medicine used to treat mild to moderate pain
                        2. Stimulants (cocaine and amphetamines)
                          1. Valuable anesthetic and vasoconstricting agent
                          2. Antivirals (Acyclovir and AZT)
                            1. used to treat infections caused by certain types of viruses
                            2. Analgesics (aspirin)
                              1. used in the treatment of conditions, including fever, pain,
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