Theodore Boone the Fugitive


Book Project
Joci Hasson
Mind Map by Joci Hasson, updated more than 1 year ago
Joci Hasson
Created by Joci Hasson over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Theodore Boone the Fugitive
  1. Setting
    1. Presant Day
      1. Washington DC. and Stratteenburge
      2. Characters
        1. Theodore Boone
          1. Nosey
            1. Full of nonage
          2. Pete Duffy
            1. mysterious
              1. untrustable
            2. Ike Boone
              1. calm
                1. Know what to do with everything
              2. Main Conflict
                1. Problem: Theodore runs into Pete Duffy [ Who is accursed for muder] and must bring him to justice .
                  1. Cause: Pete Duffy have been on the lose ever since his first trial ended
                  2. Theme
                    1. Message / Theme You can do anything no matter your age.
                      1. How brought out in book Theodore joins the FBI and tracks drown Pete
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