Is your memory online?


Mind Map on Is your memory online?, created by Chatsirin Srilar on 27/09/2015.
Chatsirin Srilar
Mind Map by Chatsirin Srilar, updated more than 1 year ago
Chatsirin Srilar
Created by Chatsirin Srilar over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Is your memory online?
  1. Just Gooooo It.
    1. The name of the popular internet
      1. Internet ueser become more dependent
      2. How the internet changes memory
        1. Betsy Sparrow,Psychologist of Columbia University
          1. She and her reshearch team did 4 experiment.
          2. People won't try to remember if the computer save data.
          3. Transactive memory
            1. People remember the folder location better than the facts.
              1. before the internet people remember which person or book
              2. Learning how to organize in formation
                1. Able to access it at a later date.
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