Hereditary WBC Disorders


Mind Map on Hereditary WBC Disorders, created by KevinShirley on 20/11/2013.
Mind Map by KevinShirley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by KevinShirley over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Hereditary WBC Disorders
  1. May-Hegglin Anomaly
    1. Associated Conditions


      • Abnormal bleeding may be present in some individuals.
      1. thrombocytopenia
        1. giant platelets
        2. WBC's affected
          1. neutrophils
          2. appearance
            1. Döhle-like bodies


              • Rod shaped inclusions at the edge of the cytoplasm. They are like Döhle bodies but larger.
            2. prevalence
              1. unknown
            3. Alder-Reilly Anomaly
              1. Associated Conditions
                1. dwarfism
                  1. gargoylism
                  2. WBC's affected
                    1. All cell lines
                      1. hallmark feature
                    2. Appearance
                      1. coarse dark granulation
                      2. prevalence
                        1. rare
                      3. Pelger-Huet Anomaly
                        1. prevalence
                          1. common
                          2. associated conditions
                            1. leukemias
                              1. myleoproliferative disorders
                                1. severe infections
                                2. WBC's affected
                                  1. segmented neutrophils
                                  2. appearance
                                    1. hyposegmentation of nucleus
                                      1. heterozygotes
                                        1. peanut-shaped
                                          1. dumbbell-shaped
                                            1. pince-nez-shaped
                                            2. homozygotes
                                              1. spherical non-lobed
                                        2. Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
                                          1. prevalence
                                            1. rare
                                            2. associated conditions
                                              1. neutropenia
                                                1. albinism
                                                  1. photophobia
                                                    1. recurrent staphylococcus infections
                                                    2. WBC's affected
                                                      1. neutrophils (mostly)
                                                        1. lymphocytes
                                                          1. monocytes
                                                          2. appearance
                                                            1. giant purple-gray granules
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