

analytical design
Mind Map by gracechadwick1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gracechadwick1 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Fair trade products
    1. ensures farmers get the right price for their produce
      1. better prices
        1. local sustainability
        2. decent working conditions
          1. helping developing countries
            1. education
              1. better futures
            2. 1 in every 3 bananas sold is fair-trade
            3. Attractive finish
              1. makes the product look appetising
                1. very important
                  1. if it looked sloppy no-one would want to buy it
                    1. says a lot abut the product
                      1. how much time and effort has gone in
                    2. should show what the produce will taste like
                    3. tantalising
                      1. you eat with your eyes
                      2. Savoury
                        1. food which can be salty, spicy but never sweet
                          1. based on the Latin "sapor" which means taste
                          2. describes dishes that were, originally, served after the desert
                            1. used to cleanse and refresh the palate
                            2. also served as appetisers to the main meal
                              1. for example lunch, high tea and light supper
                            3. Sweet
                              1. has a taste characteristic of sugar or honey
                                1. not sour or bitter
                                2. mainly served as a desert or sweet treat
                                  1. can be used to encourage good behaviour !
                                  2. sweet foods include:
                                    1. chocolate
                                      1. candy
                                        1. cake
                                          1. anything with a high sugar content
                                            1. honey
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