Measures of central tendency.


Measures of central tendency
Marcela Ortiz
Mind Map by Marcela Ortiz, updated more than 1 year ago
Marcela Ortiz
Created by Marcela Ortiz over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Measures of central tendency.
  1. They are values ​​or parameters that represent the entire population.
    1. Media.
      1. Also called average.
        1. It refers to a measure in a sample or in the population, and tries to measure fair equitable, hope.
      2. Quantiles.
        1. Quartiles.
          1. The quartiles are the three values of the variable that divides a sorted data set in four equal parts. Q1, Q2, Q3 determine the values corresponding to 25%, 50% and to 75% of the data. Q2 matches with the median.
            1. Deciles.
              1. The deciles are the nine values ​​that divide the data series into ten equal parts, the deciles give the values ​​corresponding to 10%, at 20% and 90% of the data. D5 matches the median.
          2. Percentiles.
            1. The percentiles are the 99 values ​​that divide the data series by 100 equal parts. The percentiles give the values ​​corresponding to 1%, 2% and 99% of the data.
              1. Quintiles.
                1. A quintile is one fifth of a statistical population sorted from smallest to largest some feature of it. Divide the population into five equal parts, each contains 20% of the data population. There are 4 quintiles that they are denoted by Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.
          3. Median
            1. It is the central point of a data distribution.
              1. *In ungrouped data the median is calculated by simple observation. *The data must be ordered *If n is odd median is the central data. *Without is even the median is the average of the core data.
            2. Moda.
              1. In a distribution of data, it is the data that is repeated the most, if the data they are not grouped the fashion is calculated by simple observation.
                1. In a distribution they can exist.
                  1. 1 Moda: Unimodal 2 Moda: Bimodal 3 Moda: polymodal
                    1. In the same way in a distribution of data may not exist mode and called AMODAL.
            3. Fuente: Martínez, E. (2020) Estadística. ed. Santiago de los Caballeros: Universidad Abierta para Adultos (UAPA). (pp 126-220).
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