Research question: guides your research paper, dissertation, or thesis.


What information should contain a research question?
Ximena Muñoz
Mind Map by Ximena Muñoz, updated more than 1 year ago
Ximena Muñoz
Created by Ximena Muñoz over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Research question: guides your research paper, dissertation, or thesis.
  1. Choose a broad topic
    1. Do a preliminary reading related to the topic
      1. Narrow down your topic
        1. Identify the research problem
          1. Write the research question
            1. Types of research questions
              1. Descriptive research
                1. Comparative research
                  1. Correlational research
                  2. Elements of a good research question
                    1. Focused
                      1. single problem or issue
                      2. Researchable
                        1. primary and secondary sources
                        2. Feasible
                          1. Answer within the frametime
                          2. Specific
                            1. enough to answer thoroughly
                            2. Complex
                              1. enough to develop the answer
                              2. Relevant
                                1. to your field of study and/or society
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