Communication inside and outside the computer USB and RCA


Mind Map on Communication inside and outside the computer USB and RCA, created by 120262 on 13/11/2015.
Mind Map by 120262, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 120262 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Communication inside and outside the computer USB and RCA
  1. USB port
    1. Universal Serial Bus
      1. Devices
        1. Same connector type
          1. Up to
            1. 127 simultaneously
          2. Allows
            1. Computer
              1. Automaticaly recognizes device
                1. Configures it
                  1. Plug and play
              2. Multifunction peripheral
                1. Multiple task at once
                  1. Examples
                    1. MPFs
                      1. Fax
                  2. Transfer types
                    1. Control transfer
                      1. Start request/answer
                      2. Isochronous transfer
                        1. Continuous communications
                          1. Controler and device
                        2. Continuous transfer
                          1. Volume transfer
                        3. RCA port
                          1. Colors
                            1. Yellow
                              1. Video channel
                              2. White
                                1. Left audio channel
                                2. Red
                                  1. Right audio channel
                                3. Used on
                                  1. Video components
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