Changes in Communities


Explains the Changes in Communities
Mind Map by avillavicencio2888, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by avillavicencio2888 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Changes in Communities
  1. Changes that can make a population change in size
    1. Birth and Death Rate
      1. When the birth rate is bigger than the death rate the population increases.
        1. When the birth rate is smaller than the death rate the population decreases.
      2. Immigration and Emmigration
        1. The size of a population also can change when individuals move into or out of the population.
      3. Changes that limit a population's growth
        1. Climate
          1. Changes in climate conditions, such as temperature and the amount of rainfall, can limit population growth
          2. Food and Water
            1. Organisms can't live without food or water because that makes them grow..
            2. Space
              1. If people cut down the trees birds could not make their nests and the population will decrease.
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