Foods for a Healthy Brain by victory view in Hong Kong 2


Mind Map on Foods for a Healthy Brain by victory view in Hong Kong 2, created by 楊豬榮 on 14/12/2015.
Mind Map by 楊豬榮, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 楊豬榮 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Foods for a Healthy Brain by victory view in Hong Kong 2
  1. dark chocolate
    1. benefits
      1. can increase our brain power
        1. improve blood flow to the brain
        2. made from cocoa
          1. requirement
            1. around fifteen to thirty grams
            2. problems
              1. eating more than that may lead to weight gain
            3. fish
              1. Salmon
                1. offers a sizeable portion of DHA
                  1. DHA
                    1. to boost neuron function in the brain
                2. benefits
                  1. slow down our brain's aging process
                    1. contain omega-3 fatty acids
                      1. short -term memory live longer in people who eat fish regularly
                    2. walnuts
                      1. benefits
                        1. contain chemicals
                          1. strengthen brain cells
                        2. shape
                          1. like a brain
                          2. requirement
                            1. eight to ten walunts a day
                          3. tea
                            1. requirement
                              1. drink the freshly brewed is better
                                1. two to three cups of tea daily
                                2. benefits
                                  1. can help our memory andcon concentration
                                3. berries
                                  1. Blueberries
                                    1. benefits
                                      1. reverse memory loss
                                        1. had improved balance and co-ordination
                                          1. had a better short-term memory
                                        2. requirement
                                          1. eat one cup of fresh or frozen berries per day
                                          2. benefits
                                            1. can improve one's learning
                                              1. reduce symptoms of depression
                                                1. to lower the risk of age-realted disese
                                              2. whole grains
                                                1. such as oatmeal or brown rice
                                                  1. benefits
                                                    1. prevent strokes and heart disease
                                                      1. protect our hearts and our brains
                                                    2. Avocado
                                                      1. benefits
                                                        1. help to keep brain cell membranes flexible
                                                          1. contain the monounsaturated fatty acids
                                                            1. protect nerve cells in the brain and improve the brains muscle strength
                                                            2. lead to healthy blood flow and lower bloodpressure
                                                              1. help the brain to function at its optimum capacity
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