Augustinian Theodicy


Mind Map on Augustinian Theodicy, created by Grace Bovaird on 23/12/2015.
Grace Bovaird
Mind Map by Grace Bovaird, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Bovaird
Created by Grace Bovaird over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Augustinian Theodicy
  1. God is still omnipotent. He chooses not to intervene out of respect for the gift of freewill He gave us
    1. This view is clearly rooted in the Bible so Augustine cannot be acused of making things up as He goes along
      1. This means we have a degree of control over how much suffering we experience. Our decisions can increase or decrease the amount of it
        1. God could be seen as uncaring and lacking in compassion if he does not intervene to prevent suffering. A loving parent takes away a child's freedom if they are going to hurt themselves and then gives it back when they have learned to be responsible. Why does God not do this with humanity?
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