structures and forces


Mind Map on structures and forces, created by Zoyaan on 10/12/2013.
Mind Map by Zoyaan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Zoyaan over 10 years ago

Resource summary

structures and forces
  1. form
    1. Form is the basic shape of a structure.
    2. function
      1. A function is the job that the structure does.
      2. forces
        1. A force is a push or pull on a structure.
          1. point of application
            1. The force meets the structure.
            2. plane of application
              1. The side of the structure affected by the force
            3. Types of Structures
              1. Natural Structure
                1. structures made by nature and not by humans. Eg.cave
                  1. natural
                  2. Man made structures.
                    1. structures influenced by human
                      1. soild structure
                        1. solid structures are solid all the way.
                        2. man made
                        3. Frame structure
                          1. A frame is made of parts fastened together.
                          2. shell structure
                            1. Shell have space in them and are most strong.
                            2. combination sturcture
                              1. They combine shell,frame and solid structures.
                            3. Types of forces
                              1. External
                                1. Forces come from outside. Eg. wind
                                  1. Static load
                                    1. The effect of gravity on a structure.
                                    2. Dynamic load
                                      1. Moving load acting on a structure.
                                    3. Internal
                                      1. One part of a structure acting on another. Eg.roof on a house
                                        1. compression
                                          1. force pressing on something
                                          2. shear
                                            1. force pushing in opposite direction
                                            2. tension
                                              1. force that stretches apart.
                                              2. torsion
                                                1. force that twists.
                                            3. Design for forces on a bridge.
                                              1. Design a structure for loads.
                                                1. Design a structure for safety.
                                                  1. Sensors
                                                    1. light sensors
                                                      1. temperature sensors
                                                        1. sound sensors
                                                        2. Interesting structures of the world:
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