The Cone Gatherers - Class Conflict


Mind Map on The Cone Gatherers - Class Conflict, created by mhairicwalls on 31/01/2016.
Mind Map by mhairicwalls, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mhairicwalls over 8 years ago

Resource summary

The Cone Gatherers - Class Conflict
  1. "We didn't treat them fairly."
    1. Roderick is the only person who sees the brothers as his equal.
    2. "We could've perished in the storm, for all she cared. Was that not murder?
      1. LRC sees them as less important - she knew how bad the storm was yet sent them out in it. Highlights that she believes they're below her and her family.
      2. "We're human beings just like them."
        1. Highlights that they're being treated with lesser respect. Also that the higher classes do not believe they are similar - yet Neil suggests they are.
        2. "They were to be like insects,"
          1. Dehumanising them - they are at the bottom of the societal food chain. Insect - suggests insignificance, metaphor of physical smallness highlights symbolic smallness
          2. "Yonder's a house with fifty rooms... every one of them three times the size if our hut and nearly all of them empty."
            1. Sense of unfairness - Neil's envy of the rich and his hatred of being poor. Rich vs. Poor - they have much room to spare whilst the brothers have no space at all.
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