An informal e-mail


Mind Map on An informal e-mail, created by Marina Yañez Forte on 18/05/2016.
Marina Yañez Forte
Mind Map by Marina Yañez Forte, updated more than 1 year ago
Marina Yañez Forte
Created by Marina Yañez Forte almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

An informal e-mail
  1. Colloquial language
    1. Phrasal verbs ex
      1. Hang out = go out with (standard language) // come up = come // go on = happen
      2. Adjectives ex
        1. cool (nice), handy (ideal, helpful, perfect) and awesome (great)
        2. Useful expressions
          1. It's taken so long to get in touch
            1. What's going on
              1. Everything is going OK
                1. Can't wait for that
            2. A couple of things
              1. I had loads of things to do
          2. Informal style characteristics
            1. Verbs contractions : Don't, can't, i'd
              1. Emojies
                1. Questions, sometimes with no auxiliary or no subject (ellipsis)


                  • exemple: got any news??
                  1. Phrases used as questions


                    • exemple: i TOLD YOU I'D BEEN TO ANFIEL?
            2. Structure
              1. P1-
                1. P2- Donar informació nova, noticies, allò que ens ha agradat el que no. I respondre o no preguntes de l'altre email
                  1. P3 - Decir de quedar, preguntarle si quiere venir a tu casa, y decirle por cierto, se me olviadaba, como fue...
                2. Fa molt de temps que no se res de tu etc
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