Things to remember for poetry essays


Mind Map on Things to remember for poetry essays, created by julietohalloran on 18/02/2014.
Mind Map by julietohalloran, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by julietohalloran about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Things to remember for poetry essays
  1. Back up every point with a quote - evidence is always needed.
    1. Pin down points with quotes!
    2. Apply any biographical information as a 'reading'
      1. Always link back to question
        1. Use specific words, don't just waffle about ideas
          1. Keep expression precise
          2. Poetic aspects and structure, not just meaning of lines etc.
            1. When using critics and other readers, link back to specifics in the poem
              1. Pin down what quotes show precisely
                1. Don't list in conclusion or introduction.
                  1. Avoid whole paragraphs on Abse, focus on Larkin and make connecting points.
                    1. Core, comparison, then back to core
                    2. Remember PEELT - Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link, Technical term
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