A Separate Peace


Mind Map on A Separate Peace, created by floridianchick19 on 30/04/2013.
Mind Map by floridianchick19, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by floridianchick19 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

A Separate Peace
  1. Finny
    1. Athletic
      1. Smart
        1. Broken Leg
          1. Honest
            1. Handsome
              1. Confident
              2. Gene
                1. Finny's Friend
                  1. Started tree club together
                    1. Pushed finny off of tree
                      1. Thoughtful
                        1. Intelligent
                        2. Devon School
                          1. John Knowles
                            1. 1959
                              1. New Hampshire
                                1. Suicude Society
                          2. World War II
                            1. Intense Difficulty
                              1. Many people fighting
                                1. Even teachers
                                  1. Many Died
                                    1. Brutal
                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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