Causes of the Reformation


Mindmap: Causes of the Reformtion
Michelle C
Mind Map by Michelle C, updated more than 1 year ago
Michelle C
Created by Michelle C over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Causes of the Reformation
  1. Long Term causes
    1. New ways of thinking
      1. External Influence
        1. Crusades
          1. Voyages, European exploration of America
          2. Doubt of church
            1. Revival of ancient Greek and Roman spirit
              1. Printing Press: SPread ideas without intervention by Church
          3. Church
            1. Declining influence of the church
              1. plague: church couldn't explain the cause
                1. rebellion of peasants against masters
                  1. declining of the Pope's power
                    1. taxation (King Philip IV)
                      1. Pope "held captive" in France for 70 years
                        1. Separate Popes for French/Italian Church
                      2. exploitation of people's believes in order to make money
                        1. People denounce Pope as Christ's representative
                          1. John Wycliffe (English priest and professor)
                            1. Lollards Movement
                              1. John Huss spreads movement in Bohemia
                                1. Executed by Holy Roman Emperor
                                  1. Hussite Wars
                      3. Short Term causes
                        1. Martin Luther
                          1. Reformer with large group of openly supportive followers
                            1. Questioning of selling of indulgences
                              1. ordered by Pope Leo X for construction cost of St. Peter's chrch
                              2. openly criticized and defied church and emperor
                                1. 95 Theses on the church of wittenberg
                                  1. refused to take back anything in front of the imperial council
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