Organizational Structure


MBA Contemporary Management (Organizational Structure & Culture) Mind Map on Organizational Structure, created by Rawad Mroueh on 26/12/2016.
Rawad Mroueh
Mind Map by Rawad Mroueh, updated more than 1 year ago
Rawad Mroueh
Created by Rawad Mroueh over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Organizational Structure
  1. The formal system of task and job reporting relationships that determines how employees use resources to achieve an organization’s goals.
    1. Organization Environment
      1. Change in the external environment vs. Stability
      2. Human Resources
        1. The characteristics of the human resources employed
        2. Technology
          1. The combination of skills, knowledge, machines, and computers that are used to design, make, and distribute goods and services
            1. Complicated
              1. Task Variety
                1. The number of new or unexpected problems or situations that a person or function encounters in performing tasks or jobs.
              2. Routinely
                1. Task analyzability
                  1. The degree to which programmed solutions are available to people or functions to solve the problems they encounter
              3. Strategy
                1. Deffirentiation strategy vs. low-cost strategy
                2. Organizational Architecture
                  1. Control Systems
                    1. Culture
                      1. HR
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