c# xaml


UK CAT Computer Studies Mind Map on c# xaml, created by David Martin on 23/01/2017.
David Martin
Mind Map by David Martin, updated more than 1 year ago
David Martin
Created by David Martin over 7 years ago

Resource summary

c# xaml
  1. binding
    1. glues 2 properties together
      1. x:bind
      2. properties
        1. get/set methods
        2. class
          1. class members
            1. variables
              1. methods
                1. constructors
                2. object is an instance of a class
                  1. specific instance of a type
                  2. . operator
                    1. object.method
                      1. makes things about an object accessible
                        1. variables
                          1. methods
                        2. methods
                          1. parameters declared as part of method's header
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