PRESENT SIMPLE vs present continuous


algunas formas verbales y gramaticales sobre el presente simple y continuo
Mind Map by JULIO CASTILLO, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by JULIO CASTILLO about 7 years ago

Resource summary

PRESENT SIMPLE vs present continuous
  1. present simple
    1. present continuous
      1. progressive activities
        1. grammar forms
          1. p.p + (be) + verbs- ing.
            1. NEGATIVE: P.P + (BE) + NOT + VERB - ING.
            2. EXAMPLES
              1. they are dancing now
                1. She is not taking a taxi
          2. general activities
            1. grammar forms
              1. negative
                1. p. p ( I, YOU, WE, THEY) + DON´T + VERB INFINITIVE.
                  1. P.P (SHE, HE AND IT) + DOESN´T - DOES NOT + VERB INFINITIVE
                2. INTERROGATIVE
                  1. DO + P.P ( I, YOU, WE AND THEY) + VERBS
                    1. DOES + P.P ( HE,SHE AND IT) + VERBS
                  2. AFIRMATIVE
                    1. P.P + ADVERB FREQUENCY (OPTIONAL) + VERBS
                  3. EXAMPLES
                    1. NEGATIVE : Mery doesn’t work on Sunday. They don’t have a small garden.
                      1. INTERROGATIVE: do you work in austria?. does she work from home?
                        1. AFIRMATIVE: I always play tennis on saturday
                        2. MORE IMPORTANT :3rd person singular (he, she, it) AND VERB ( WORK + S)
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