Non fatal offences against the person


Mind Map on Non fatal offences against the person, created by tdkroscoe on 13/05/2014.
Mind Map by tdkroscoe, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tdkroscoe about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Non fatal offences against the person
  1. S.39 Criminal Justice Act 1988
    1. Assault
      1. Actus reus: Cause another to fear or apprehend immediate unlawful violence.
        1. Mens rea: Intention or recklessness that fear would be apprenhended.
        2. Battery
          1. Actus reus: The application of unlawful force.
            1. Mens rea: Intention or recklessness that unlawful force would be applied,
          2. Offences Against the Persons Act 1861
            1. S.18
              1. S.20
                1. S.47
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