TAF PRF (12 min)


PRF TAF Mind Map on TAF PRF (12 min), created by Djan Côrtes on 26/06/2017.
Djan Côrtes
Mind Map by Djan Côrtes, updated more than 1 year ago
Djan Côrtes
Created by Djan Côrtes almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

TAF PRF (12 min)


  • Índices para o TAF Masculino no concirso de seleção. Edital 2013
    1. 0 a 2
      1. REPROVADO
      2. 3
        1. 2,0 PTS
        2. 4
          1. 2,5 PTS
          2. 5
            1. 3,0 PTS
            2. 6
              1. 3,5 PTS
              2. 7
                1. 4,0 PTS
                2. 8
                  1. 4,5 PTS
                  2. 9+
                    1. 5,0 PTS
                  3. CORRIDA
                    1. 0,0 - 2300m
                      1. REPROVADO
                      2. 2301 - 2400m
                        1. 2,0 PTS
                        2. 2401 - 2500m
                          1. 2,5 PTS
                          2. 2501 - 2600m
                            1. 3,0 PTS
                            2. 2601 - 2700m
                              1. 3,5 PTS
                              2. 2701 - 2800m
                                1. 4,0 PTS
                                2. 2801 - 2900m
                                  1. 4,5 PTS
                                  2. 2901m +
                                    1. 5,0 PTS
                                  3. ABDOMINAL
                                    1. 0 - 30
                                      1. REPROVADO
                                      2. 31 - 34
                                        1. 2,0 PTS
                                        2. 35 - 38
                                          1. 2,5 PTS
                                          2. 39 - 42
                                            1. 3,0 PTS
                                            2. 43 - 46
                                              1. 3,5 PTS
                                              2. 47 - 50
                                                1. 4,0 PTS
                                                2. 51 - 54
                                                  1. 4,5 PTS
                                                  2. 55 +
                                                    1. 5,0 PTS
                                                  3. iMPULSÃO hORIZONTAL
                                                    1. 0,00 à 2,00m
                                                      1. REPROVADO
                                                      2. 2,01 à 2,05m
                                                        1. 2,0 PTS
                                                        2. 2,06 à 2,10m
                                                          1. 2,5 PTS
                                                          2. 2,11 à 2,15m
                                                            1. 3,0 PTS
                                                            2. 2,16 à 2,20m
                                                              1. 3,5 PTS
                                                              2. 2,21 à 2,25m
                                                                1. 4,0 PTS
                                                                2. 2,26 à 2,30m
                                                                  1. 4,5 PTS
                                                                  2. 2,31m ou +
                                                                    1. 5,0 PTS
                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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